The Airdrop Events Section is LIVE Now on OpenMeta

Dear users: In order to allow more NFT enthusiasts to enjoy the benefits of OpenMeta, the platform has launched a new function: Airdrop Event! Any user who participates in the event can mint their own exclusive medal and have the opportunity to receive more rewards. The OpenMeta airdrop event function will provide a platform for all projects to display any form of activity. Users can view and join the activities in the homepage. As long as they complete the activity requirements and also pass the approval of the project, they will be qualified to receive an exclusive series of NFTs, and each person can mint their own NFT medals which can be traded on the marketplace of OpenMeta later on. Besides, there will be a chance for additional airdrop rewards, exclusive NFT stake mining qualification, or OpenMeta Primary whitelist benefits to be given by the project. At present, the first round of the event has been launched and released by the CoinHub wallet. Join now to get the NFT medal, as well as a chance to share the MDX token reward worth 1,000 USD. OpenMeta team

May 17, 2022

Last updated