How to sell NFT?
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To find the NFT you want to buy, you can either enter the NFT’s name in the search bar, or select through the filter tab on the left. If you are interested in the NFT, click to enter the details page to buy or bid for the auction. You can see the trading and bidding status, as well as the details of the NFT.
After paying for your bid, your tokens will be stored in the contract address temporarily. If the next buyer outbid you, your tokens will be automatically transferred back to your wallet address. If you win the auction, the NFT will be transferred to your wallet address.
Fixed-price sale
if you cannot find your NFT in “My NFT” after purchasing it, or cannot import NFT purchased on other platforms, you can search for the NFT name and go to the details page to retrieve the NFT.
No fee is needed for retrieving NFTs.
When you want to sell an NFT, you can find it in “My NFT”, click the NFT you want to sell, enter the NFT details page and click “Sell”. You can also edit the NFT on the details page, but only NFTs that have not been sold can be edited, and only creators can edit the NFT.
Sales page:
You can choose to sell at a fixed price or sell through an auction.
The fixed-price sale requires you to fill in the price and the token type.
The auction requires you to fill in the floor price and the token type.
Both methods need you to fill in the sales time, which shall be is no longer than one month. During the auction and sale, if no one bids or buys, you can cancel the sale at any time. However, if the NFT holding address changes, you won’t be able to cancel it.